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Split Managers

Split managers take a dataset and form cross-validation splits based on some criteria.


Split managers must extend this class.

from powerful_benchmarker.split_managers import BaseSplitManager


  • hierarchy_level: For multi-label datasets, this will select the set of labels that correspond to a specific column in the two-dimensional labels. For example, if the dataset has 1000 elements, and each element has 5 labels, then the label set has shape (1000, 5). If hierarchy_level=3, then labels[:,3] will be used internally, if necessary.
  • data_and_label_getter_keys: If None, then calling dataset[idx] will simply return the raw value of dataset[idx]. Otherwise, it will be assumed that dataset[idx] returns a dictionary, in which case data_and_label_getter_keys should be a list of strings that correspond to the dictionary keys for the data and labels.
  • labels_attr_name: The name of the dataset's attribute that contains the label for each element.
  • label_set_attr_name: The name of the dataset's attribute that contains the set of labels. If None, then the set will be computed using the dataset's list of labels.


Creates split schemes such that the trainval/test split has no overlap in class labels, and that each train/val split has no overlap in class labels. Extends IndexSplitManager.

from powerful_benchmarker.split_managers import ClassDisjointSplitManager


Creates split schemes such that the ratios of class labels in the dataset is reflected in the trainval/test split, and in each train/val split. In other words, if the dataset has two classes, A and B, and 75% of the dataset is class A, then every train/val/test split will consist of roughly 75% class A. Extends IndexSplitManager.

from powerful_benchmarker.split_managers import ClosedSetSplitManager


Creates split schemes based on dataset index. The logic within this class can be adapted for other cases, like splitting based on class label.

from powerful_benchmarker.split_managers import IndexSplitManager
                shuffle = False,
                random_seed = None,
                helper_split_manager = None,


  • num_training_partitions: The number of partitions in the trainval set. For example, if 40% of the dataset is used for the test set, and num_training_partitions = 2, then 2 partitions of size (60%/2) = 30% will be created in the trainval set.
  • num_training_sets: The number of training and validation sets to create. Each validation set will have a size of one partition. For example, if num_training_partitions = 10, then the validation set will always be one of those partitions, while the training set will comprise the other 9.
  • test_size: The size of the test size, as a floating point number. For example, test_size=0.4 will make the test set 40% of the dataset.
  • test_start_idx: The location in the dataset where the test set starts. For example, if test_size=0.4 and test_start_idx=0.5, then the test set will consist of all dataset elements with indices between len(dataset)*0.5 and len(dataset)*0.9. It will wrap around to the beginning of the dataset if necessary.
  • shuffle: Whether or not to shuffle the dataset when forming the splits.
  • random_seed: A random seed for shuffling. Only applicable if shuffle = True.
  • helper_split_manager: An optional external split manager. If provided, this external split manager will be used to create the trainval/test split. After that, IndexSplitManager will form the train/val splits.


The split manager used for A Metric Learning Reality Check. It is basically the same as ClassDisjointSplitManager, but with some differences in rounding and cross-validation fold order. Extends IndexSplitManager.

from powerful_benchmarker.split_managers import MLRCSplitManager