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Turns a list of models into a single model. The specific behavior depends on the init parameters

from powerful_benchmarker.architectures.misc_models import ListOfModels
ListOfModels(list_of_models, input_sizes=None, operation_before_concat=None):


  • list_of_models: A list of PyTorch models. The list will be converted into torch.nn.ModuleList(list_of_models).
  • input_sizes: A list of numbers, with the same length as list_of_models. input_sizes[i] is the expected input size of list_of_models[i]. Can also be left as None.
  • operation_before_concat: A function that is applied to the output of list_of_models[i] before being concatenated with the output of the other models.



The standard PyTorch forward method, but the behavior differs depending on the value of self.input_sizes.

If self.input_sizes is None, then each list_of_models[i] will receive the entire input x.

If self.input_sizes is a list, then:

  • list_of_models[0] will receive x[:self.input_sizes[0]]
  • list_of_models[1] will receive x[self.input_sizes[0]:self.input_sizes[1]]
  • etc.


A very simple multi layer perceptron.

from powerful_benchmarker.architectures.misc_models import MLP
MLP(layer_sizes, final_relu=False)


  • layer_sizes: A list of numbers, where layer_sizes[0] is the size of the input, and layer_sizes[-1] is the size of the output.
  • final_relu: If True, will apply ReLU to the final layer's input.