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Powerful Benchmarker

Google Colab Examples

See the examples folder for notebooks that give an overview of how to use this library.


pip install powerful-benchmarker

Modules that can be benchmarked

See the list of default modules. You can add other classes and modules by using the register functionality.

Getting started

Set default flags

The easiest way to get started is to download the example script. Then change the default values for the following flags (each one should be an absolute file path, not a relative path):

  • pytorch_home is where you want to save downloaded pretrained models.
  • dataset_root is where your datasets will be downloaded, or where they are already located.
  • root_experiment_folder is where you want all experiment data to be saved.

Try a basic command

The following command will run an experiment using the default config files, as well as download the CUB200 dataset into your dataset_root

python --experiment_name test1 --dataset {CUB200: {download: True}}

If the code runs properly, you'll see training and testing progress like this: tensorboard_example

Experiment folder format

Experiment data is saved in the following format:

  |-<split scheme name>

Here's what's in each subfolder:

  • configs contains the yaml config files necessary to reproduce the experiment.
  • <split scheme name>/save_models contains saved pytorch models for a particular split scheme. (A split scheme simply refers to the way train/val/test splits are formed.)
  • <split scheme name>/saved_csvs contains CSV files with data collected during training. It also contains an SQLite database file with the same data.
  • <split scheme name>/tensorboard_logs contains the same information in <split scheme name>/saved_csvs, but in tensorboard format.
  • meta_logs/saved_csvs contains CSV files for aggregate and ensemble accuracies. It also contains an SQLite database file with the same data.
  • meta_logs/tensorboard contains the same information in meta_logs/save_csvs, but in tensorboard format.

View experiment data

There are multiple ways to view experiment data:


Go to the <experiment_name> folder, and run tensorboard at the command line:

tensorboard --logdir=. --port=12345

Then in your web browser, go to localhost:<port>, where <port> is specified in the tensorboard command. You'll see plots like this: tensorboard_example


Use any text editor or spreadsheet program to view the csv files that are saved in the saved_csvs folders.


Use DB Browser to open the database files that are saved in the saved_csvs folders.

Resume training

You can interrupt the program and resume training at a later time:

python --experiment_name test1 --resume_training latest

You can also resume using the model with the best validation accuracy:

python --experiment_name test1 --resume_training best

Keep track of changes

Let's say you finished training for 100 epochs, and decide you want to train for another 50 epochs, for a total of 150. You would run:

python --experiment_name test1 --resume_training latest \
--num_epochs_train 150 --merge_argparse_when_resuming

(The merge_argparse_when_resuming flag tells the code that you want to make changes to the original experiment configuration. If you don't use this flag, then the code will ignore your command line arguments, and use the original configuration. The purpose of this is to avoid accidentally changing configs in the middle of an experiment.)

Now in your experiments folder you'll see the original config files, and a new folder starting with resume_training.

    |-resume_training_config_diffs_<underscore delimited numbers>

This folder contains all differences between the originally saved config files and the parameters that you've specified at the command line. In this particular case, there should just be a single file config_general.yaml with a single line: num_epochs_train: 150.

The underscore delimited numbers in the folder name indicate which models were loaded for each split scheme. For example, let's say you are doing cross validation with 3 folds. The training process has finished 50, 30, and 0 epochs of folds 0, 1, and 2, respectively. You decide to stop training, and resume training with a different batch size. Now the config diff folder will be named resume_training_config_diffs_50_30_0.

Reproduce an experiment

To reproduce an experiment, use the --reproduce_results flag, and pass in the path to the experiment folder you want to reproduce:

python --reproduce_results <experiment_to_reproduce> \
--experiment_name <your_experiment_name>

This will run an experiment based on the config files in experiment_to_reproduce. You can make modifications to the configuration at the command line, as long as you provide the --merge_argparse_when_resuming flag, so that the code knows you intend on making changes:

# reproduce the experiment but use a different number of dataloaders
python --reproduce_results <experiment_to_reproduce> \
--experiment_name <your_experiment_name> \
--trainer~APPLY~2: {dataloader_num_workers: 16} \
--tester~APPLY~2: {dataloader_num_workers: 16} \

For a guide on how to reproduce the results of A Metric Learning Reality Check, see the supplementary material

Evaluating on specific splits

By default, your model will be saved and evaluated on the validation set every save_interval epochs. To get accuracy for specific splits, use the --splits_to_eval flag and pass in a python-style list of split names: --splits_to_eval [train, test].

To run evaluation only, use the --evaluate or --evaluate_ensemble flag.

Cross validation split schemes

In this library, splits are not hard-coded into the dataset classes. Instead, train/val/test splits are created by a SplitManager, as specified in the config_dataset file:

    test_size: 0.5
    test_start_idx: 0.5
    num_training_partitions: 4
    num_training_sets: 4

This particular configuration will set aside the second 50% of classes for the test set. Then the first 50% of classes will be used for 4-fold cross validation, in which the train and val splits are always class-disjoint.

Advanced usage

Here are some other important features of this library: