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Samplers are just extensions of the class, i.e. they are passed to a PyTorch Dataloader (specifically as the sampler argument, unless otherwise mentioned). The purpose of samplers is to determine how batches should be formed. This is also where any offline pair or triplet miners should exist.


At every iteration, this will return m samples per class, assuming that the batch size is a multiple of m. For example, if your dataloader's batch size is 100, and m = 5, then 20 classes with 5 samples each will be returned. Note that if batch_size is not specified, then most batches will have m samples per class, but it's not guaranteed for every batch.

samplers.MPerClassSampler(labels, m, batch_size=None, length_before_new_iter=100000)

  • labels: The list of labels for your dataset, i.e. the labels[x] should be the label of the xth element in your dataset.
  • m: The number of samples per class to fetch at every iteration. If a class has less than m samples, then there will be duplicates in the returned batch.
  • batch_size: Optional. If specified, then every batch is guaranteed to have m samples per class. There are a few restrictions on this value:
    • batch_size must be a multiple of m
    • length_before_new_iter >= batch_size must be true
    • m * (number of unique labels) >= batch_size must be true
  • length_before_new_iter: How many iterations will pass before a new iterable is created.


Implementation of the sampler used in Deep Metric Learning to Rank.

It will do the following per batch:

  • Randomly select X super classes.
  • For each super class, randomly select Y samples from Z classes, such that Y * Z equals the batch size divided by X.

(X, Y, and the batch size are controllable parameters. See below for details.)

This is a BatchSampler, so you should pass it into your dataloader as the batch_sampler parameter.


  • labels: 2D array, where rows correspond to elements, and columns correspond to the hierarchical labels.
  • batch_size: because this is a BatchSampler the batch size must be specified.
    • batch_size must be a multiple of super_classes_per_batch and samples_per_class
  • samples_per_class: number of samples per class per batch. Corresponds to Y in the above explanation. You can also set this to "all" to use all elements of a class, but this is suitable only for few-shot datasets.
  • batches_per_super_tuple: number of batches to create for each tuple of super classes. This affects the length of the iterator returned by the sampler.
  • super_classes_per_batch: the number of super classes per batch. Corresponds to X in the above explanation.
  • inner_label: column index of labels corresponding to classes.
  • outer_label: column index of labels corresponding to super classes.


This is a simple offline miner. It does the following:

  1. Take a random subset of the dataset, if you provide subset_size.
  2. Use a specified miner to mine tuples from the subset dataset.
  3. Compute weights based on how often each element appears in the mined tuples.
  4. Randomly sample, using the weights as probabilities.


  • model: This model will be used to compute embeddings.
  • miner: This miner will find hard tuples from the computed embeddings.
  • dataset: The dataset you want to sample from.
  • subset_size: Optional. If None, then the entire dataset will be mined, and the iterable will have length len(dataset). Most likely though, you will run out of memory if you do this. So to avoid that, set subset_size to a number of embeddings that can be passed to the miner without running out of memory. Then a random subset of dataset of size subset_size will be used for mining. The iterable will also have length subset_size.
  • tester_kwargs: Any other keyword options will be passed to BaseTester, which is used internally to compute embeddings. This allows you to set things like dataloader_num_workers etc, if you want to.


When initialized, this class creates a fixed set of triplets. This is useful for determining the performance of algorithms in cases where the only ground truth data is a set of triplets.

samplers.FixedSetOfTriplets(labels, num_triplets)


  • labels: The list of labels for your dataset, i.e. the labels[x] should be the label of the xth element in your dataset.
  • num_triplets: The number of triplets to create.