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Wrap a tuple loss or miner with these when using PyTorch's DistributedDataParallel (i.e. multiprocessing).


utils.distributed.DistributedLossWrapper(loss, efficient=False)


  • loss: The loss function to wrap
  • efficient:
    • True: each process uses its own embeddings for anchors, and the gathered embeddings for positives/negatives. Gradients will not be equal to those in non-distributed code, but the benefit is reduced memory and faster training.
    • False: each process uses gathered embeddings for both anchors and positives/negatives. Gradients will be equal to those in non-distributed code, but at the cost of doing unnecessary operations (i.e. doing computations where both anchors and positives/negatives have no gradient).

Example usage:

from pytorch_metric_learning import losses
from pytorch_metric_learning.utils import distributed as pml_dist

loss_func = losses.ContrastiveLoss()
loss_func = pml_dist.DistributedLossWrapper(loss_func)

# in each process during training
loss = loss_func(embeddings, labels)


utils.distributed.DistributedMinerWrapper(miner, efficient=False)


  • miner: The miner to wrap
  • efficient: If your distributed loss function has efficient=True then you must also set the distributed miner's efficient to True.

Example usage:

from pytorch_metric_learning import miners
from pytorch_metric_learning.utils import distributed as pml_dist

miner = miners.MultiSimilarityMiner()
miner = pml_dist.DistributedMinerWrapper(miner)

# in each process
tuples = miner(embeddings, labels)
# pass into a DistributedLossWrapper
loss = loss_func(embeddings, labels, indices_tuple)